What does one do when life brings them to a moment when they have no choice but to carry pain?
I have felt pain before. I have suffered loss before.
But, I believe there's losses that hurt deeper and greater than others. In those moments of weakness, I say lean on those around you who offer to represent you in the moment as a conduit and source of strength. This is how God intended it. He planned it this way! Those who dare to come alongside you who currently wear the coat of weakness, to albeit for a moment, help to forebear even one ounce of the burden that you carry...LET THEM! I say by all means...ALLOW THEM! Count these moments as ones when you get to have help in breathing.
There are some places in loss that you must leave others behind because the journey is not meant for them, but it is meant for YOU! There...in that place...THE LIGHT...WILL find you, directly on the other side of the wound! It will warm and fill the spaces that have been emptied in your soul, in your heart and even in your mind. THE LIGHT will bring you peace...peace like you have never before encountered...and it will seem as if it was there all along. But, pay close attention... the waves of the stages of grief are certain in only one thing- they are sure to come and go!
One of the best gifts that you will receive on the path of loss leading towards healing will be in seeing and understanding the sacrifice made within the loss of The One to allow something else to take its place, even at a moment that feels like the destruction of you. How glorious because The One chose to make the sacrifice without your consent. This is a completely sobering and humbling revelation. When you receive it...just say thank you! The universe and all that is alive within it and beyond will hear and receive your gratitude. TRUST IT!
Your loved one chose to fly away, but they are not far away...THE LIGHT will allow you to feel just how nearby they truly are! Hold tightly to the glimpses of their presence when they show you just how close they are to you!
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