Wednesday, September 28, 2016

When the Unthinkable Happens by Tosh L.

I had to take a moment to share with you all about this most horrific story that I have been following in the local news. I am a deep thinker and profound feeler. I shared this with you all some time ago. I think I feel deeper than the average person allows themselves to feel. Sometimes I toggle between believing it to be a burden or a blessing. It just depends on which day you ask me you may get a different response. So, I usually don’t tune in to the news broadcast, if at all. My daily work pulls me away from the chance to do it. I am better to read about news or listen to it via radio broadcast just because of my limitations of time and schedule.
Well, I had been hearing this story about the children who killed the four children and injured his wife. When I read about it, I also read that he had

killed his first wife and unborn child years before. So, the way I think may differ at times than how others think. My heart aches for this mother because I am a mother, and I could not comprehend what it would be like to walk a half mile in her shoes. For me, it would be much too unbearable. I also feel like this is a level of evil that I cannot even begin to wrap my imagination around.
Whenever I hear of something tragic or otherwise that would be a hard thing to endure in my mind, there is one statement that always come to my mind. God says he won’t put more on us than we can bear. Wow God, you do give your toughest battles to your strongest warriors! I pray for this mother. I pray for their family. I pray that the father receives the help he needs because it is apparent that he does need help.
I do not question at all whether or not a 2nd chance should have been granted to this man or any other human being. I will declare, emphatically, that we all deserve a 2nd chance in life. We are all in need of redemption in some way, shape or form. We all deserve to be forgiven. This is not up to me. This is
according to how God sees things. I believe that forgiveness is a step that should, hopefully, lead us to remorse for things we have done, and on to deliverance and healing. Please pray for this family, if you will. I cannot stop thinking about them. Let this be a reminder that we must deeply cherish the moments that we have with the people that we know and love most in the world. Tomorrow is not promised. One moment can change our lives forever. On another note, we must understand that mental illness is the disease that we cannot see. We have to familiarize ourselves with it so that we all know how to recognize the signs and characteristics. Rest peacefully to the children and continued prayers of strength to the mother, family and loved ones.

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