Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Life Happens, So Be Intentional by Tosh L.

On Friday I received some news that I saw, at the onset, as being ‘glass half empty.’ It was life-altering for others that I know. But, then my whole position in thinking shifted, and I began to see the glass as being half full. I said a prayer and this sparked a brief conversation that with a co-worker.

It’s true, life can and will throw you some curve balls. There will be things that you never anticipated nor could you have ever imagined happening, but life is so good, in that, it never stops there. This is when and where endurance, patience and being longsuffering comes into play. If you do not have these tools, it is in moments like these that you will learn what they truly mean. I have read the Bible a lot, and in times like this something that I have read in the past will come back to me. Here’s what came to mind today as I was sitting in meditation:
Ecclesiastes 9:11 which in part says, “The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle.”

For me, that meant that sometimes things that appear to be “bad” do happen and will happen to what some would consider by their own definition to be “good” people. My point is not to argue who’s good and who is not, but more so the argument I have is in the direction of the occurrence (or “bad” thing as we deem it to be) and then our response to it. My initial thought was set on this being a ‘glass half empty’ and a horrible thing. I could see how it came as a shock and disturbance, but I know that our reason and purpose for being is always in motion if we will submit and surrender to it. I know that what happened may not have been good, but it was for my good. So, as soon as I re-focused, I was able to see more clearly how purpose was at play in this occurrence. And, no sooner than my focus changed, this is what came to mind:
Romans 8:28 which is part says, “God causes everything to work together according to his purpose for them who love him.”

How amazing is that!?!! So, I know that God, himself, doesn’t make every decision, but when things happen, He still uses what’s presented to work for our good! Every outcome can and will work for our good! It goes back to the surrendering piece I shared with you in the post, “Time To Surrender.” So, in knowing this, I can speak in confidence and in faith about any matter. So, when I lined up my focus in the right direction, I was able to see and hear more clearly. An overwhelming thought came to mind and I shared it with the right person at the right time, and it sparked something in her that gave light to more great ideas and positive thoughts. It was a source of encouragement and made a huge impact. Looking forward to the big picture, I can see how things will begin to change which will breed greater purpose and amazing opportunities in the lives of many others for years to come. My focus being shifted led me to reach out and share a thought that was something small and purposefully intentional. I am thankful that I didn’t allow the harshness of the circumstances to take over and rule the way I responded to the situation. Instead, wisdom helped me to pause and see things clearly. I have every confidence that I don’t have to worry because everything is going to work out…and it will be good! SO BE IT!!!
Check out this song by recording artist, Travis Greene. It's so fitting for this post. The song is entitled, "He's Intentional". I hope you enjoy the song courtesy of YouTube:

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