One of my oldest and dearest sister
friends has recently been telling me to “Stay Ready!” It’s kind of an insider,
but I will share a bit of what this is relating to. About five years ago, I had
a dream. In the dream, I envisioned something interesting taking place and
there were a few factors that stuck with me when I awakened. So, I immediately
shared it with a small group of individuals early one morning that I saw in the
dream. Well, I had placed that dream on the shelf, so to speak, until the end
of last year- 2016. Reason being is something happened that took me all the way
back to the moment when I had the dream. The dream came back to me as if it
were yesterday. I was speechless! I am so thankful for my memory and the memory
of my sister friend who also remembered the dream and what I shared with her so
long ago. Before the end of last year, I was moving, but it was in slow motion
and my sense of urgency was waning. But, this has pushed me to do what I had
been meaning to do and to take action steps to accomplish some much needed
things on my personal and professional to-do list. What I’ve learned is that
dreams do manifest in perfect/right timing, but I always have the
responsibility of preparation and readying me for whatever is coming my way-
known and unknown. I have to move with a sense of urgency so that my life is
not at a standstill, as it should never really be- always in motion, action and
being. If I stay ready, I can handle just about anything coming my way!

My Determination:
I realized there's really nothing to
wait for...really, isn't! When I think
of how tomorrow is not promised to any individual and that we have this
ultimate gift of one lifetime, I can see my
life and every single moment that collectively makes up my life as a
unique treasure to me. My 'thank you' and 'paying it forward' consists of me
living it to the fullest extent imaginable! My sister tells me to #StayReady
not #GetReady.... if I'm busy getting ready, the moment will be missed and I
will never have it back ever again! I can't get what is gone or behind me, only
what lies ahead of me. I am determined to Stay Ready!