Wednesday, June 22, 2016

I Have a Voice!

I am 40 years old, and I just learned to use my voice. Well, that sounds silly for someone at my age, but I received the courage to speak through transparency with a cohort of women who are extremely supportive. Today, as I was working in the comfort of my home, I felt a spirit of transparency come over me. My heart opened and I began to share with this group of women. I had no idea what would happen as a result of me having this need to open up and share my heart. By me having the courage to take a chance, something magnificent was sparked and it started something that was so unexpected, surprising and life-giving. So many others began to share from their hearts. I must say that it was a true blessing. I never saw it coming!

I remember believing that it seemed like everyone that I met throughout my life from men to women, alike, had a gift or a purpose- a reason for which they were born. They had something important to do in the world. Yet, I didn’t know exactly what that looked like for me. I didn’t have a clue! I’d been introduced to several glimpses of some possibilities, but nothing truly stood out. As a young girl, my interest in writing was awakened by my love for reading books, writing creative stories and poetry. Later on, I found an interest in psychology when I started taking college courses after high school at the local community college. Fast forward several years later, I became fond of teaching when I spent some time working as a Substitute Teacher at a high school during my undergrad years in Kalamazoo (2001-2002). The students loved me, and I loved them. I even received an invitation to prom from one of the students. I was tickled pink and flattered! I can even recall a position I held many years after leaving Kalamazoo as a Certified Trainer at a child welfare agency in the metro Detroit area. I loved the foster caregivers who opened their homes and their hearts to the children and families. Then in 2014, I lost a younger cousin who I would say was in the prime of his life. He was only 25 years old and as healthy as could be. He had a seizure and that was it! Suddenly, he was gone! His life ended just like that. I was devastated for so many reasons. It made me look so differently at life and time. I realized that life can truly be short, and time truly is precious and not to be wasted or taken for granted. After years of failed attempts and procrastination, I enrolled into graduate school to pursue a degree in Counseling after having this chat with God. Here I was finally going to do something that was on my list of goals to achieve. The timing could not have been more perfect! I had these three areas that I was passionate about, and I wanted to find a way to work them simultaneously and in tandem. I wanted to figure out a way to combine my love for writing, teaching and counseling/helping others on their life journey. I wanted to use these three areas in whatever way possible to help advance me in the direction of my purpose.

So, here I am having attended my formal graduation ceremonies a month ago, and I am months away from becoming licensed as a Counselor in the state of Michigan. My voice is still being shaped, and I am just learning to speak. So, in what feels like my final months of preparation, how do I want to use the discovery of my voice? What exactly do I want to do/say? In which direction should I go? At this point in my life, the world is literally my personal oyster. I could do just about anything. I could go just about anywhere in pursuit of my purpose and passion. Decisions, decisions.... Dear God, what’s next for me?

Well, it might be a good idea for me to share my beginning. At an early stage in my life, my voice was stolen from me. Yes, literally stolen. Unfortunately for me, I was simply not aware. It happened after my parents were divorced all those years ago when I was about four years old. I was rendered speechless. I had no control, no say so in the matter. But, my life met the ripple effect and changed drastically. My spirit was crushed. It was as if I lost my identity. In all the confusion, I lost me. I lost who I was. I lost who I was supposed to be. I lost my feelings of self-worth and even my sense of belonging. There I was, a little girl dealing with abandonment and rejection in silence. No one knew and neither did I. I never knew how to find my voice. I never knew the way back to courage. I became an expert at being silent. I became an expert at listening and not being heard. I watched life happen because I didn't know better. I made hundred of mistakes trying to find my voice throughout my life. Fast forward 36 years and here I am.... I’m just beginning to feel comfortable in knowing that I do have a voice! Now I know that my words are important, and my voice and my life matters! My journey through life experiences have been saved all of this time so that I could make it to a place where I could find healing and find courage to be transparent and speak LIFE! So as I speak LIFE, I will share my life story in hopes that you will see me and see, authentically, just how important you are and come to know how your LIFE MATTERS!!! Welcome....


  1. Thank you for sharing your story. I am inspired by your courage and transparency to share your voice. I believe as long as we have breath in our lungs we have an opportunity to find our voice. As you stated life can cause us to keep silent. But it is in our voice that we find freedom. Freedom from the hurts of our past and freedom from the enemy who wants us to stay in the dark.
    Beautiful woman, continue to find your voice and impower others to do the same.

    1. You're welcome Natasha! Wow! It is amazing...I so desired to be courageous for so long, yet not knowing that I would be given this gift to use to be transparent. But, it is so freeing! Thank you so much for sharing and even for reading! Be Blessed!

  2. A simple and yet profound statement and name for your blog...LIFE MATTERS! Indeed it does and may you be blessed beyond measure as you are catapulted into new territory with your new voice! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Wow...I am speechless! Truly this name and statement profound and is a gift from God! I can take no credit for it! It literally dropped into my lap. I receive it! I am honored to shard and grateful to you for taking time to read!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Jae! I am enjoying the journey and glad you are sharing it with me!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My Lord!!!! This blessed me beyond what words can truly express. I'm inspired to use my voice and will be praying for your voice to be "heard" by every ear that needs to hear it. So many are waiting on "YOU" - Shar

    1. Tears fill my eyes as I read this! I am overjoyed that you are using your voice as I know how powerful it is especially as I have and am discovering my voice in the moments that I am given! Thank you so much for your prayers. I have great anticipation in what is to come! Thank you Shar!

  6. Glad that you found your voice now you are transforming lives by way of your personal experiences.

    1. It is amazing how my transformative journey began a few years ago, and though it has not always been easy, it has definitely been worth it! Thank you Sandy for investing time to read! I can only hope and pray that lives are transformed...that would give me great joy!

  7. Glad that you found your voice now you are transforming lives by way of your personal experiences.
